A Website Can Generate More Freelance Assignments
On your website, an editor can instantly notice your work and give you assignments. It will display your writing and professionalism.
But you need more than simply a website to reference your printed articles to the editors. How do you sell your work?
Site Build It! is one of the best places that I've found to build a theme-related website on the Internet. Let's face it. If you write or want to write for a living, then you have something to sell. Your words need to sell and your ideas need to sell.
The tools and resources that Ken Evoy has built in Site Build It! is nothing short of remarkable. I recommend you try it.
If you have more questions about Site Build It!, then learn more through this additional information page. This page leads to a free ebook with over 500 pages of step-by-step action for you to build the right site for you.
If you want to write better for the Internet, use this button to learn about a free ebook which can help any website:
If you are creating a product to sell on the Internet, how do you price this product so it's not too high or not too low? Use this free ebook resource to have the right information for the right strategy:
If you want to sell more of your freelance writing, use the button below to get a free 233-page ebook:
Through our partnership with Amazon.com, we are offering an exclusive Right Writing version of the award-winning Alexa Toolbar. With the toolbar you can search the web, using their amazing search engine, right from your toolbar. Plus, when you download and use the toolbar, you'll help support Right Writing.

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